How Can I Help
Armenia's Cosmic Ray Division?

Please read the possibilities below and then contact us with your suggestions of how you would like to participate.

The CRD's most urgent need is financial assistance to keep its Cosmic Ray and Solar Monitoring stations on Armenia's Mt. Aragats operational. Without these crucial data gathering facilities, the CRD will be unable to fulfill its international research obligations and will be ineligible for the significant financial grants it receives from its research partners around the world.

To make on line contributions to the CRD through AESA please click here: ONLINE CONTRIBUTION.

To make your contribution by check, choose one of the contribution forms below.
AESA contribution Form , AESA Michigan Section contribution Form.

Be sure to designate “FOR CRD” on the memo line of the check and/or contribution form so that the funds will be directed to the CRD project.

Ask your company about matching contributions.

Consider making a memorial donation in honor of a loved one, or donate as a tribute to a family member or friend on a special occasion (e.g., Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthday, anniversary). A personalized certificate will be sent to commemorate your generosity to Armenia's Cosmic Ray Division.

AESA (Armenian Scientists and Engineers of America) is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization with chapters in California, Michigan, New York/New Jersey, and the Greater Metropolitan Washington area, whose goal is to promote science, engineering, and technology related projects in Armenia. AESA has been a long time supporter of the CRD and you may contribute to the CRD through AESA headquarters or AESA Michigan Section. Ask you company about matching contributions. AESA may be on their United Way matching list.

Please visit the Cosmic Ray Division web site in Armenia and familiarize yourself with their outstanding work. Also view the image gallery on this web site for beautiful photographs of Mt. Ararat, Mt. Aragats, the CRD facilities and staff taken by Prof. Chilingarian.

If you have contacts at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or at major universities and research institutions, who may be interested in some of the services or research conducted by CRD, please contact the Support Committee for Armenia's Cosmic Ray Division members personally or at .

The CRD in Armenia is a scientific and technological success story. We are assisting its dedicated scientists, technitians, students and support taff to continue this tradition, to retain the brains in Armenia, and to reverse the brain drain from ARmenia. The CRD is one of Armenia's scientific treasures with immense potential. Please spread the word about this success story in Armenia to friends and associates. Let them know that at this critical juncture, the CRD still needs our assistance and cooperation. Let them know that we can all be proud contributors to this present and future success story and the time to act is now.

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